Here’s the bottom line. The purpose of a website is to represent an organization in the most favorable way while delivering a positive user experience so as to influence the visitor’s actions. Not every website achieves this, and often as not, it’s because someone bought into one of many web development myths.

5 Web Development Myths

Website Development is Easy to DIY

It seems everybody and his brother is a web developer or web designer today. As a result of the accessibility of templates, YouTube tutorials, and free sites such as WordPress one might begin to believe web dev is easy. It’s not when it’s done right. Can anyone throw together a site? You bet. Can anyone develop a site to fit the needs of an organization, reach the intended target audience, and deliver an exceptional user experience? Not a chance. Because the bottom line is you get what you pay for. Hire a pro.

Websites are Finite

Websites are fluid. They’re a continuing process. The needs of any target audience change and the site should reflect their changing needs. Technology is constantly evolving, and a site should evolve with it. Content is king because new content brings new visitors and can raise the websites search engine optimization.

If You Like It, Your Customers Will Too!

Really? Do you believe everybody thinks like you? Ask yourself this, is it more important that you like your website or that your target audience appreciates it?

Design Trumps User Experience

It sounds silly to even say it, doesn’t it? Is how a site looks more important than how it navigates? What do you think is more important to your customers, how pretty it is or UX? Don’t get me wrong; a site should be attractive, but I’ve seen too many sites where the layout took precedence over use.

You Should Involve Everyone on Your Team in the Design. Go Team!

The writer Robert Heinlein said, “A committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brains.” If you want your website to be schizophrenic design it by committee. Remember the adage, “A camel is a horse designed by committee.” Gather the members of the team charged with managing the site and get their input, but leave the rest of the team at home.

Is Your Website Being Held Hostage by a Myth?

If your website is being held hostage by one of these five web development myths, it’s time to pay the ransom. If your site’s content hasn’t been updated since April of 2012, or customers have complained about how difficult it is to navigate, it’s time. Was the site an inexpensive template your organization has outgrown? If so, it may be time to invest in an update. If you have any questions, we’ll be happy to answer them, and that is no myth. Contact Us.

Photo Credit: Unsplash Photos Photo by Ivan Bertona