Promotional products aren’t one size fits all. Every type of organization will have their own niche as to the most effective advertising specialty products for them. To understand what may be best for your team answer the following questions.

5 Questions to Effective Promotional Product Marketing

  1. How will the product be distributed?

Will the products be given away at a trade show, or an open house? Will it be used as an add-on with a purchase, or mailed to a loyal client? How it’s distributed makes a difference, for example, although snacks or branded water last only minutes they may be highly effective at a trade show by bringing visitors to your booth and offering an opening to a conversation. It’s not always how long the promotional piece will be kept, it’s how it’s used. A ball cap with your logo that sits on a shelf, in a closet, for three years isn’t effective, it’s forgotten.

  1. Who’s your target audience?

Who are they, where do they work, where do the live, and what do they use? If you’re not sure who your target audience is read this. Do you know your target audience?

  1. What will your audience find useful?

Consider who your target audience is and what they might find useful. If you’re not certain what they’d appreciate ask a few of your best customers.

  1. How does the product fit your brand?

Your SWAG not only should be useful to your target audience but fit your business and brand as well. For example, if you’re involved with automobiles, whether it’s repair, insurance, or new car sales a product such as a Highway Emergency Kit would fit your brand and be appreciated by customers. If you’re a tech business how about a Flash Drive or Mini USB Hub? If you work with homeowners such as Real Estate, HVAC, or home remodeling a First Aid Kit would be useful and kept for years. If you were involved in fitness like a gym, sporting goods store, or coaching then a 24 Ounce Sports Bottle  may be just the thing.

  1. How will the product represent your organization?

The bottom line is don’t go cheap. Save money? You bet. Hand out inferior products? Not good. Be sure the product works, does what it’s supposed to do, and won’t fall apart. As much positive advertising that promotional products can do—a poorly made product can permanently damage an organization’s reputation.

What’s the Most Effective Promotional Product for you?

When you’ve targeted your audience, considered distribution, found a product that fits your brand and tested it to be sure it delivers as promised, you have found the most effective advertising specialty product for you. If you’d like to discuss this let us know, were very efficient at recommending effective advertising specialty products.

Photo Credit: Unsplash Photos Photo by William Iven