As of 2012 there was 253 Million Vehicles Registered in the United States of America. Approximately 67% of the total population of 320 million Americans are 16 years of age or older; eligible for a driver’s license. The total number of licensed drivers in the USA is 196 million, which translates to 1.3 vehicles on the road for every driver. We like cars in America.

Americans Spend A lot of Time in Their Vehicles

We not only like cars and trucks—we spend a lot of time in them. According to The Atlantic American drivers spend 38 hours a year—stuck in traffic. Either driving or as a passenger we average 18.5 hours per week in vehicles. That’s 962 hours per year; more than 40 days every year—in a car.

The Auto Industry, Promotional Products, and all Businesses

It’s a no-brainer that transportation related industries should giveaway branded specialty automotive items. But shouldn’t every business? Yes—it makes sense for a new car dealer to provide branded car mats, but why couldn’t any business give them away? The customer with your mats in his or her car will look at your logo, on average more than 2.5 hours. Every. Single. Day. And the same goes for key chains and car fresheners. Specialty items such as emergency tool packs, lights, or first aid kits may not be seen every day, but when they’re needed they leave a positive lasting impression; as do ice scrapers, cell phone chargers, and document folders. Then there’s promotional items that may be seen by thousands, on a daily basis, such as license plates frames, bumper stickers, and branded add-on equipment.

Americans Spend a lot of Money on Their Vehicles

Americans are in love with their rides. According to USA Today, the total annual cost of vehicle ownership is more than $9000. With 253 million registered vehicles that’s over 2 Trillion dollars per year. We love our vehicles. We spend a lot of time in them, and we put tons of money in transportation. Why wouldn’t any organization, not only the transportation industry, offer automotive specialty products? Good question.

If you’d like to get a few ideas about the many automotive products available Check This Out. Isn’t it time you put some branded specialty products on the street?

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