Lead magnets offer a free service in exchange for contact information. I’ve heard them called a bribe to subscribe, but I find that a bit cynical. Look at it this way. A lead magnet is a valuable or useful piece of information or offer of help that is worth a potential client’s time to sign up; because if it’s not useful to the potential customer, they will not take the time to complete the sign-up.

Lead Magnets


Content can be copy such as E-books and guides. For example, TKO Graphix offers, “The Fleet Managers Guide to Vehicle Graphics” in exchange for contact information. Many find checklists useful and are willing to provide their email address for a good checklist. Content isn’t limited to the written word; it can be video, graphics, and photos or images as well. Here’s an example of a useful video, How to Remove a Decal.

Free Trails

How many free trails have you signed up for? I probably sign up for one per month or more, and sometimes I buy in when the product fits my needs. For example, I signed up for the Grammarly Free Premium Trial and was so impressed with the product I purchased it.

Here’s the rub, if your product isn’t up to snuff, or if your call to action is bait and switch, then people aren’t going to go any further with you. Because there’s no substitute for a good product and an open and honest approach. Marketing on the web isn’t advertising it’s connecting. So, you shouldn’t be shouting at prospects; you should be conversing with them.

Free Shipping

If you have material products, not services, a great way to capture someone’s information is to offer free shipping. I can’t think of a more compelling reason to take a minute or two and complete an online form than to receive free shipping. I’ve signed up for it, and will do it again, wouldn’t you?


I’m not the person to explain this. I don’t enter contests. I don’t buy lottery tickets. Once, I went to a casino, and didn’t gamble—to each his own. However, thankfully not everyone thinks as I do. Many future clients would gladly share their information for a chance at a prize.

For lead generation, it might be best to share a prize that ties in with your product or service. Having a thousand people sign up for a contest and none of them show interest in your wares isn’t a good plan.


TKO has signed on for free assessments of our website, blog, and social media. We’ve been both rewarded, as well as disappointed.

We’re considering offering a free assessment of business logos. What do you think; would you sign up for a free evaluation of your logo?

And More

Webinars, podcasts, demonstrations, and video training can all be used to drive leads to your organization. Quizzes and surveys are fun and might add a sense of humanness to your lead acquisition strategy.

Remember magnets attract, they don’t repel, and they don’t capture. To attract customers, a magnet has to offer something of value.

Do you use lead magnets? What works for you and what doesn’t work?

Unsplash Photos Photo by Jason Leung