If I asked, “What’s the first brand that comes to your mind?” Would it be Starbucks, Nike, Coca-Cola or? But why those brands? Is it mass advertising, years in business, product excellence, or consumer comfort? It may be a little of all, but what else do all these top brands have in common?

  • They have a great product.
  • Their brand is easily identifiable across networks.
  • They appeal to specific audiences.
  • They’re excellent at customer service.
  • Occasionally they poke fun at themselves.
  • They share their unique position in the market.

Top Ten Mistakes

10 – Using insider jargon. A brand doesn’t appear superior or cutting edge by using confusing industry terms and phrases. Obscure words and catch-phrases do nothing to move a brand forward. Nike doesn’t talk about combination lasts, dual density midsoles, or millithale heel plugs, do you? Just Do It.

9 – Not tracking results. Tracking results is the best way for a brand to know what works and what doesn’t work. Take some of the guessing out of the equation by using the analytics available.

8 – Outdated materials. Using outdated marketing materials: printed or electronic, using old signage or worn out vehicle graphics , make a brand look dated and out of touch. Is that how you want your brand to be recognized? Be brand new.

7 – Poor visuals. Images on electronic and printed collateral materials are key to capturing your audience’s attention. Using engaging photos, videos, and infographics can make all the difference with your brand.

6 – No plan. Marketing a brand, like most initiatives, requires a plan. How to Begin a Marketing Plan.

5 – Not promoting your USP. Do you know what your USP is? Not to be a smart aleck but do you know what the acronym is? Unique Selling Proposition. If you don’t know, then you may be sharing information not suited to building your brand.

4 – Not focusing on your brand. Remember the Cat Herding commercial from the super bowl a few years ago? What brand was that? Yeah, me too—no idea. Cat Herding. While humor is a great way to share—the message must not be lost in the delivery.

3 – Not knowing your customer. Who is your customer, where they are, and what appeals to them are as important to your brand as your product. Highlighting customer service that solves customer problems is a major key to branding success.

2 – Inconsistency. Whether it’s content creation, event promotion, or advertising initiatives, consistency is key. Publishing three blog posts in February, but none since, sponsoring a golf outing every third year, or running a radio spot heavy for two days and then dropping it, may hurt your brand more than help it.

And the Number One answer is. Survey says. Drum roll, please…

De-unification. Is that a word? It is now. A unified brand across all media, marketing, and advertising is critical. Your social media icon, company sign, vehicle graphics, brochures and advertising must be coordinated and instantly recognizable as your brand. Integration Print and Electronic Collateral Materials

Branding your Brand 

A unified brand based on customer needs that follows a marketing plan using engaging visuals, content, and advertising is the first step to becoming the next Nike or Starbucks. If you’d like to learn more about building your brand contact us, we’ll keep the branding irons hot.